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No food miles here

Delivering an abundance of vegetables, fruits and herbs directly to our kitchens, just minutes after being harvested, as the seasons permit, the result is the freshest produce ever possible. Our gardeners work hand in hand with Chef to plan the year's harvest, then keep their fingers crossed for the best growing weather possible.

Tidy raised beds grow a huge variety of vegetables - heritage carrots, purple, red and golden beetroot, parsnips, kohlrabi, onions, leeks, garlic, squash, pumpkins, courgette, radish, lettuce, cucumber, potatoes, sweetcorn, artichoke, asparagus... the list goes on delivering exceptional produce throughout the year. 

A couple of poly tunnels provide a micro climate for germinating seeds, developing seedlings and growing the more tender varieties such as peppers, chillies and aubergines. Seasonal soft fruits; strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries grown with vigour alongside orchard fruits ready for harvest later in the year.  

The Orchard

Behold the wonderful sight of the orchard, flourishing with wild flowers and an abundance of fruit and wildlife. Ignite your senses as you take a stroll knowing exactly where your dinner has come from.